The Murky World of Electoral Bonds
OCT23 Vishal Arora OCT23 Vishal Arora

The Murky World of Electoral Bonds

Imagine you’re at a poker table, and one player has a special deck of cards. He knows what’s coming next, but you and your friends are left guessing. Wouldn’t you be sceptical about the fairness of the game? Welcome to the high-stakes world of electoral bonds in India—a subject that’s headed for the courtroom on Oct. 31, and one that we should all care deeply about.

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When Laws Become Swords
OCT23 Vishal Arora OCT23 Vishal Arora

When Laws Become Swords

As citizens, we want to believe in the sanctity of our laws. They are meant to serve and protect us. But what happens when the very structure that upholds justice becomes an instrument for silencing voices?

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The ‘India’ vs ‘Bharat’ Debate: A Smokescreen
OCT23 Vishal Arora OCT23 Vishal Arora

The ‘India’ vs ‘Bharat’ Debate: A Smokescreen

The tussle over what to call the country—Bharat or India—has become a contentious issue with a recent recommendation to switch the term “India” with “Bharat” in NCERT school textbooks. Amid this name game, Kerala stands out for its clear rejection of the change.

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India’s Vanishing Groundwater Threatens Our Daily Bread
OCT23 Vishal Arora OCT23 Vishal Arora

India’s Vanishing Groundwater Threatens Our Daily Bread

Imagine turning on your tap one day and nothing comes out. A parched land, dry wells and vanishing rivers may soon be India’s stark reality, says a UN report. Alarm bells are ringing particularly loud for the northwest, India’s “food basket,” where water scarcity could hit home by 2025.

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12-Year-Old Dalit Rape Survivor Gets Rs. 600 Pension as ‘Justice’
OCT23 Vishal Arora OCT23 Vishal Arora

12-Year-Old Dalit Rape Survivor Gets Rs. 600 Pension as ‘Justice’

Recently, a young girl in tattered clothes knocked on doors in Madhya Pradesh state’s Ujjain district, seeking help after a horrific rape. She’s home now, but what she and her family have gotten from the government suggests victims who are poor and/or Dalits receive a form of “justice” that corresponds with their perceived social standing.

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The Price of Peaceful Protest in Uttar Pradesh
OCT23 Vishal Arora OCT23 Vishal Arora

The Price of Peaceful Protest in Uttar Pradesh

When the Uttar Pradesh state police recently arrested 10 activists, mostly Dalits, the alarm bells didn’t just ring for them. They echoed through the entire fabric of Indian society. Their supposed crime? A peaceful protest for land rights in Gorakhpur. They had a simple demand—an acre of land for marginalised communities.

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India’s Budget Tricks: What’s in it for Me as a Citizen?
OCT23 Vishal Arora OCT23 Vishal Arora

India’s Budget Tricks: What’s in it for Me as a Citizen?

Imagine your family has a budget for home improvements—things like fixing the roof, upgrading the kitchen, or building a new garage. Now, what if someone in the family proudly announced, “We’ve tripled our budget for improvements!” but then used the money to pay off debts or go on a vacation?

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Why Your City Doesn’t Work for You?
OCT23 Vishal Arora OCT23 Vishal Arora

Why Your City Doesn’t Work for You?

Let’s imagine two cities, Alwar and Jaipur, both in Rajasthan state. Alwar is a smaller town, while Jaipur is a bustling metropolis. Yet, they’re both governed by the same set of laws—the Rajasthan Municipalities Act, 2009. You may wonder, how can one-size-fits-all rules serve two cities so different in character and needs?

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Use of Govt Officials for Electoral Gains Threatens Democracy
OCT23 Vishal Arora OCT23 Vishal Arora

Use of Govt Officials for Electoral Gains Threatens Democracy

Government officials are being asked to highlight the achievements of the governing party, raising concerns about the misuse of state resources and the erosion of democratic institutions. The move appears designed to enlist civil servants in activities closely resembling political campaigning.

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Government’s Reckless Push for Massive Palm Cultivation in Northeast
OCT23 Vishal Arora OCT23 Vishal Arora

Government’s Reckless Push for Massive Palm Cultivation in Northeast

The Union government plans to expand palm oil plantations into six northeastern states, covering an area that exceeds the size of the entire state of Sikkim, Hindustan Times reported. This move comes despite international and local evidence cautioning that such expansion could have devastating impacts on farmers, cultural heritage and biodiversity.

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Disinformation in the Age of Confirmation Bias
OCT23 Vishal Arora OCT23 Vishal Arora

Disinformation in the Age of Confirmation Bias

While we frequently scrutinise the creators of fake news and deepfake videos, we seldom question why consumers readily accept disinformation without verifying its accuracy. Evidently, the creators recognise that “confirmation bias” has likely reached unprecedented levels in recent years.

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The Right to Abort is Not Just About Women
OCT23 Vishal Arora OCT23 Vishal Arora

The Right to Abort is Not Just About Women

The Oct. 16 ruling on abortion by a three-judge bench of the Supreme Court of India involves a complex debate that extends beyond women’s reproductive rights and foetal right to life, encompassing disability rights as well.

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Should India Be So Sensitive to Foreign Criticism?
OCT23 Vishal Arora OCT23 Vishal Arora

Should India Be So Sensitive to Foreign Criticism?

India’s objection to the European Parliament’s recent resolution on ethnic violence in Manipur suggests that New Delhi fails to grasp the essential equilibrium between national sovereignty and international human rights commitments in the modern world.

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India Has the World’s Highest Child ‘Wasting’ Rate
OCT23 Vishal Arora OCT23 Vishal Arora

India Has the World’s Highest Child ‘Wasting’ Rate

While India is on a path to rapid economic growth and has a burgeoning technology sector, the Global Hunger Index (GHI) 2023 report has ranked India 111th among 125 countries in combating hunger and malnutrition. The country has slipped four positions compared to last year, with only 17 nations faring worse, among them Timor-Leste, Afghanistan and Somalia.

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Chief Auditor’s Office Transfers 3 Whistleblowers
OCT23 Vishal Arora OCT23 Vishal Arora

Chief Auditor’s Office Transfers 3 Whistleblowers

Three officials, responsible for auditing key government projects, have been transferred by India’s Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG). The transfer orders follow their involvement in revealing irregularities in high-profile government schemes.

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