Indian General Election 2024: Voting Beyond Religion and Caste in National Elections

Prioritising National Values, Economic Policies, National Security, International Relations

Newsreel Asia Insight #169
March 23, 2024

In a general election, voters must carefully examine how various political parties plan to address major national concerns, including economic policies, national security and international relations. Voters should also critically evaluate whether their lives and those of their family members have improved or worsened, and to determine whether the policies proposed by any political entity prioritise the common good or are mainly self-serving.

In the context of a general election, the leadership qualities of prime ministerial candidates hold paramount importance. Voters should evaluate the candidates’ experience, their proficiency in diplomatic interactions and their comprehensive vision for India’s future direction. This assessment includes both their track record and their capacity to address future domestic and international challenges and opportunities.

For instance, a candidate who has demonstrably contributed to enhancing economic growth in a manner that has broadly uplifted the socio-economic status of the general populace stands out as a formidable contender. Such economic progress should be inclusive, reflecting policies that have spurred job creation, improved living standards and reduced poverty across various strata of society.

It is also important to discern if these policies are intended to advance the welfare of the general populace or if they disproportionately benefit a select group, thereby potentially undermining the principles of equity and justice.

If a political party has implemented tax reforms, voters should examine how these changes have affected their household income and expenses. Have the reforms led to more disposable income and better living standards, or have they resulted in financial strain?

Voters should evaluate national healthcare policies, such as universal health coverage schemes, pharmaceutical regulations and public health initiatives. Have there been noticeable improvements in the quality of medical care and facilities?

Voters should consider whether a party’s policies have led to job creation and economic growth in their region. Have employment rates improved, and are there better job opportunities for the family’s working members?

Further, voters should review the party’s manifesto to evaluate how its plans and proposals align with the public’s priorities and the broader requirements of the community or nation, such as societal peace and unity. And it’s equally crucial to look at the track record of the party, considering their achievements and failures in these areas.

Furthermore, the capacity to establish and sustain strategic international alliances is a crucial facet of global leadership. A candidate who has adeptly maneuvered through the intricate network of international relations, securing partnerships that bolster India’s economic, security and diplomatic interests with both neighbouring countries and major global powers, would be especially attractive to voters.

The stability and clarity of policy agendas in national coalitions are crucial in influencing voter preferences in general elections. These coalitions, formed by various political parties, need to show a united front on key issues such as economic policies and national security to earn voter trust. Voters seek alliances that offer governance stability and a consistent strategy for managing the nation’s economic and security challenges.

In general elections, the ideological foundation of political parties significantly influences voter decisions. Individuals often prioritise parties whose core principles resonate with their own beliefs, particularly regarding democracy, secularism and economic policy. These ideological tenets serve as a litmus test for voters to gauge the alignment of a party’s values – equity, inclusion, fraternity, civil and political rights, freedom of expression, and so on – with their aspirations for the nation’s governance and societal framework.

For instance, a party that staunchly upholds democratic principles, advocating for transparent governance, the rule of law and the protection of individual rights, can appeal to voters who value democratic integrity and accountability. Similarly, a party’s commitment to secularism, emphasising the equal treatment of all citizens regardless of their religious beliefs, can attract voters who believe in maintaining the pluralistic and inclusive nature of society.

Overlooking the above simply because a party aligns with a particular religion, the worldly interests of its followers, or caste community, compromises the fundamental objective of the electoral process.

Vishal Arora

Journalist – Publisher at Newsreel Asia

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